
2b: Procedural Abstraction
Responsibilities for CSCI 2530

Note. Before teaching this course, consult the Response section of the assessment data page for a recent term of this course. Be sure to do what the Response section says should be done.


Reinforcement and initial assessment

Here, the topic is reinforced with additional instruction and the student continues to put the topic to use. Student learning is assessed.

The setting for student learning

In CSCI 2530, subproblems are specified precisely for early assignments, but students are required to introduce some subproblems of their own choice in later assignments.

  1. The student gives a correct definition of a function or method for a designated exam question.

  2. In an assignment where some functions or methods are specified in advance, the student follows the required design, with no function or method being too complicated.

  1. The student gives a nearly correct definition of a function or method for a designated exam question. Though the answer might not work, it contains all of the required concepts and requires only minor fixes to work.

  2. In an assignment where all functions or methods are specified in advance, the student follows the required design, with no function or method being excessively complicated.

Unsatisfactory. A student's work is unsatisfactory if it does not meet any of the above criteria.

At least 70% of students who pass CSCI 2530 are rated either satisfactory or good, and at least 25% are rated good.