
6b: Finite State Machines
Responsibilities for CSCI 4602

Note. Before teaching this course, consult the Response section of the assessment data page for a recent term of this course. Be sure to do what the Response section says should be done.


Reinforcement and assessment of competence

Here, the topic is reinforced with additional instruction. The student is expected to put the ability to use and to demonstrate not only competence in its use but also competence in choosing where to use it. The student's competence is assessed.

The setting for student learning

In CSCI 4602, given a precise defintion of a (regular) language over a specified alphabet set, students are required to design a deterministic finite state automata (DFA) to recognize the given language. The difficulty level of such questions can vary considerably. We shall deal with questions of moderate level of difficulty. We shall test the ability once in a homework and once in an exam.

Excellent. The design provided by the student is perfectly correct and recognized the given language precisely. We don't bother about the efficiency of the design provided (number of states in it).

Good. The design provided by the student is mostly correct. It accepts or rejects strings appropriately for typical strings. However, for some deliberately chosen special strings it does not work properly.

Satisfactory. The design provided by the student is only partially correct. While it works correctly for a large class of strings, it may reject a large class of strings which should be accepted or vice versa.

Fair. The design provided by the student is mostly wrong even though for some input strings it may coincidentally provide the correct answer.

Unsatisfactory. The answer provided by the student is not even a valid DFA. For example, it may be missing some required transitions.

In the assignment question, at least 70% of students who pass CSCI 4602 are rated either satisfactory or better with at least 50% rated as good or better. In the exam question, at least, at least 60% of students who pass CSCI 4602 are rated either satisfactory or better with at least 40% rated as good or better.