
6c: Functional Programming
Responsibilities for CSCI 3675

Note. Before teaching this course, consult the Response section of the assessment data page for a recent term of this course. Be sure to do what the Response section says should be done.


Introduction and assessment of competence

Introduction and assessment of competence

Here, the topic is introduced and reinforced through assignments that require its use. The student's competence is assessed.

The setting for student learning

Students in CSCI 3675 are introduced to functional programming in one or more languages that provide direct support for writing a computer program as a collection of facts and that provide for persistent data structures. They are required to write short function definitions (as equations) on exams and to solve at least two programming assignments in a functional style.

  1. In a designated exam question, the student writes a correct or mostly correct definition of a function in a functional style.

  2. The student completes a programming assignment using a functional style that follows coding requirements and performs according to the assignment's requirements in at least 80% of the tests.

  1. In a designated exam question, the student writes a correct or mostly correct definition of a function in a functional style.

  2. The student completes a programming assignment using a functional style that follows coding requirements and correctly solves at least 50% of the tests.

Unsatisfactory. A student's work is unsatisfactory if it does not meet any of the above criteria.

At least 70% of students who pass CSCI 3675 are rated either satisfactory or good and at least 25% are rated good according to the rubric.