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Outcome 3 for 2022-2023

Outcome 3 is: Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.

The following abilities support outcome 3

  • 3a: Software documentation. Software documentation includes both internal (code-level) and external documentation. External documentation can include documents about the stages of the project (e.g., requirements documentation), documentation about the project itself (e.g., a description of the software process, a description of the team structure), and documentation about the produced system (e.g., a user manual).

  • 3b: Oral communication. Computer Science professionals play a number of roles at work place, for which effective oral communication is critical. This is in stark contrast with the common belief that computing professionals are solo players working on complex programming projects all day long.

    Oral communication skills include ability to communicate with a broad range of audience in different settings, intense listening, non-verbal communication (gestures, facial expressions, appearance, and postures), flexibility and a willingness to understand dramatically different view points of others.